Ok, so I found that handy iPhoto has a web-page making feature, and can post up my
China Town excursion afterall. I was thinking that I could use DreamWeaver[TM (or they threaten lawsuits)] to do that, but it wants me to buy Flash, and I ain't about to do that. Thank Jebus for free things--well, thank Jebus for things that come bundled with your handy-dandy laptop. Anyway the tour was fun. The conference starts in earnest tomorrow, so I'll just have boring conference pictures that I won't bother anyone with.
The reason, if you were wondering, why I don't post on the regular blog is because I have a finicky program that runs off my home computer and its post-at-a-distance-feature refuses to work right now. Seems to be the story of my situation: flickr is overloaded, audioblogger won't work, regular system is quirky, and I have to delete files to upload the China Town excursion. That's right, Samba and Tickle-me Brigham are gone for now, but that's the breaks, toots.
Last night I heard the quintessential big-city lone trumpeter from my open air-shaft window. He or she only played for a short time, but it made me pine for a seedy bar where I could drink gin and smoke. Today I found that a faux-seedy blues bar is right down the street from me above a Jack-in-the-Box[TM]. I'm going to go there and drink some gin and smoke too much. I won't be taking pictures.
Blues. Gin. Smoke.[TM]
Tomorrow I work.
Enjoy the pictures.