Friday, August 19, 2005

Goodbye Hello

I have a new study/music conservatory/hideout:

That's me in my typical blogging garb, contemplating the many complexities of life that I examine at (how's that for a sneaky reference?)

Here I am blogging in my typical grand-piano style:

The studio-conservo-hideoutico has handy gown and hood storage:

I assume Angelina Jolie likes smart men. I mean she was married to Billy Bob Thorton, after all. That doesn't really matter, of course, since I like her. Well maybe it does. Hmm. The closet is also useful for storing trophy snowboards.

There is also a rain hat in case of rain:

As you can see the setup is pretty sweet. If I get tired of writing, I can always tack that climbing handhold to the wall or tune a guitar:

1 comment:

karmaking1111 said...

You could have included a drunk roommate playing the guitar and spattering nonsense into a microphone.